We work different

By making jobs more accessible, Advocations has helped more than 20,000 people with disabilities return to work

We work different

By making jobs more accessible, Advocations has helped more than 17,000 people with disabilities return to work

The image represents an icon with three human figures in outline form. The central figure is emphasized with a glowing circle around them and an arrow pointing upward towards their position, indicating selection, importance, or focus on this individual among the group.

Individual Services

We specialize in helping disability beneficiaries return to work

The image represents a cog with money and time feeding into it. This symbolizes business.

Business Services

We recruit the talent you don't & make disability-inclusion your competitive advantage

Individual Services

We specialize in helping disability beneficiaries return to work

Business Services

We recruit the talent you don't & make disability-inclusion your competitive advantage

All 50 States

We support workers with disabilities & companies nationwide

121 K

People with disabilities engaged and proctively recruited since 2022

93% Retention

Our annual retention shows that job placement is just the beginning

15+ years in business

A trailblazer in disability-focused recruitment since 2009, we have consistently proven the unique role business has in driving disability-inclusive opportunities.

SBA Job Creator of the Year

Received National recognition from the Small Business Administration (SBA) for creating 153+M in economic impact in 2017

Stylized text reading "advocate+vocations" with "advocate" in dark green and "vocations" in lighter green. This image represents how the company, Advocations both advoctes and helps with vocations.

No Cost Employment Services

Ticket To Work & Advocations

Are you tired of the limitations that come with relying solely on SSI or SSDI support? Are you ready to take control of your life and career, but feeling overwhelmed by the process?

Advocations' Ticket To Work program is here to help. Our proven system empowers SSI and SSDI recipients like you to navigate the complexities of job seeking, securing employment, and leveraging work incentives to help you achieve your short- and long-term goals.

Do you receive SSI or SSDI benefits?

Want to earn more money?

Not sure what you can do?

Worried about "messing up" your benefits?

100% disability- and woman-owned small business

100% disability- and woman-owned small business

Strategic Business Services

Make disability your competitive advantage

We have the experience you need to realize the business benefits of disability inclusion

A stylized depiction of three floating heads moving into a funnel.

Proactive Recruitment

Decrease turnover with our job matching service that targets qualified talent and helps them navigate your hiring process

A simple drawing of an easel with a bar graph. Two gears float towards the left.

Training & Consulting

Leverage our expertise in disability and employment to develop disability inclusive workplaces

A stylized depiction of three people looking at a gear. The right most person has a question mark inside his head.

Contingent Staffing

Low-risk, high impact strategy that provides opportunities to candidates often overlooked in traditional hiring practices

A sketch of a woman floating above a hand. This represents being given a helping hand.

Employee Support Program

A flexible and confidential solution to manage disability-related questions and performance management

We know what works

(and learned from what doesn't)

We know what works

(and learned from what doesn't)

Accredited Leaders in Autism Employment

One of the first programs worldwide to receive a specialized accreditation for autism employment supports and services

Certified Small Business

100% woman- and disability-owned small business based in Charlotte, NC

Nationally Accredited Services

Achieved Highest Level of CARF Accreditation
An organization receiving a Three–Year Accreditation has put itself through a rigorous peer review process and has demonstrated to a team of surveyors during an on-site visit that its programs and services are of the highest quality, measurable, and accountable.

Advocations Logo dark green to lighter green with word Advocations spelled in lowercase font

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